Google Roboto Serif specimen

“Getting Comfortable with Roboto Serif” is a specimen showcasing Google’s variable typeface family, which was designed to create a comfortable reading experience. Highlighting this attribute, the specimen includes tips for reading comfortably, reading egonomics, and eye yoga.

The specimen is punctuated by orange-printed pages featured reading-related quotes, poems, and other literary excerpts. A wavy diecut edge further softens the pages and evokes feelings of comfort.

We worked with artist KylePlatts to illustrate the printed specimen and to produce artwork for an animated sizzlereel and releaseannouncement on Google’s Material Design Blog.

We also art directed a Roboto Serif webspecimen, which was designed and developed by KennethOrmandy.

Roboto Serif design: GregGazdowicz (Commercial Type)

Writing: Sarah Daily

Illustration: Kyle Platts

Sizzle reel animation: Q Choi

Sizzle reel music: Suki Sou

Interaction design and development: Kenneth Ormandy

Google Design team: Amber Bravo, Damien Correll, Dave Crossland, Samuel Roger Goodspeed, Marc Tobias Kunisch, SeHee Lee, Bryn Smith

Printing and finishing: Point B